Friday, May 23, 2008

And that has made us all the wiser...

What age are you when you’re the wisest you can be? Is it when you’re a newborn baby, full of innocence and no care in the world, unless you need a diaper change or a feed, maybe even just a lullaby?

Is it when you reach your teenage years, when you’re either a straight – A student or rebelling your right leg off? Does knowing right from wrong make you the ‘wisest’ of them all? Is smoking pot really a cure to a common brain disease called “stupid as hell?”

Might it possibly be when you become an adult – whenever that is? Does your brain stop learning because knowing everything an adult possibly can is being the wisest of them all?

Are you the wisest when you’re old and on your last legs, and you can’t even remember yesterday very well? How much do you know when you’re the wisest you can be? Or is being wise in your soul or your heart, not your mind? What does the word ‘wise’ mean? What’s the root of the word? What was its original meaning?

…The only thing I know is that being wise has so many meanings; I couldn’t explain it all in one day, one week, or even a year. So many questions flood the world, but there are never enough answers to soak up the curious waters. Maybe being wise means… not knowing the answers?

Some people weren't LIKIN' IT

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


David Cook is the new American Idol of 2008 after beating favorite David Archuleta

Well, the votes are in, folks; it was David vs. David, and in the end, Cook lived up to his name and fried Archuleta. Coming in third place was the Seacrest - level girl with the big voice, Syesha Mercado. Although those who made it to the top 12 were considered the best of the best by America, the most unforgettable contestant this season is most definitely the 'tude - tastic' 18 year - old Danny Noriega.


If you've just watched these three videos full of 'tude (Thanks to YouTube's misterDgr and Chelsealoves17) and feel that my post is still worth reading, then please, do continue.

Last year's AI winner Jordin Sparks, Season 4 winner Carrie Underwood, One Republic, George Michael, and most likely the only males more popular than Archuleta at this moment - A certain band of brothers often compared to Hanson, the Jonas Brothers - took the stage (In JB's case, much to preteen girls everywhere's pleasure); at the end of the show, before a surprised Cook was crowned (Try saying that three times fast), the top 12 came together for the last time and performed, opening for Mr. Michael.

Speaking of 'GM' as Seacrest called him, the former member of Wham! is going on his first US tour in 17 years; if you want to see him near you, he'll be hitting San Diego first.

Anyways, a big congrats to both Davids for surviving the toughest jungle animals out there - American Idol voters; a huge congrats to David Cook for overcoming the favorite to win, and the biggest giant hug we can muster for the unforgettable Danny Noriega.