Saturday, November 8, 2008

Random Facts I just found out today (but already knew some)

1. Pretzels were invented by monks in 610 C.E. to look like a child's arms folded in prayer.

2. It is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket in Alabama.

3. In Sri Lanka, nodding yes here means no there, and shaking your head here means no, but there it means yes.

4. Hostess Twinkies are 68% air.

5. In Columbus, Ohio, you can't legally sell corn flakes on Sunday.

6. A French Kiss here is known as an English Kiss in France.

7. In Sweden, it is illegal for a parent to insult their children.

8. Atilla the Hun, who is known for his ferocity in battle, died from a nosebleed.

9. July 27th is "Take Your Houseplant for a Walk" Day.

10. It is illegal to take a bite from another person's hamburger in Oklahoma.

11. The Earth weighs 6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons.

12. The state of Massachusetts forbids the eating of peanuts in church.

13. The shortest war was between England and Zanzibar. It took place on August 27, 1896, and lasted 38 minutes.

14. The cockroach is the fastest insect on land. It travels about 4 mph.

15. Footsteps left by astronauts walking on the moon will still be there in a million years; there is no wind, rain, or water to wash or blow the footprints away.

16. The ears of an African Elephant can weigh up to 110 pounds each.

17. The Praying Mantis is the only insect who can turn its head like a human.

18. Fashionable women in medieval Japan gilded or blackened their teeth.

19. There's a law in Maine prohibiting one from stepping out of a plane that is in the air.

20. Rockets have to travel a speed of 7 miles per second to pull clear of Earth's gravity.

21. In Wisconsin, apple pie cannot be served with a cheese topping.

22. In Norfolk, Virgina, it's againt the law for a hen to lay eggs before 8am and after 4pm.

23. In Brooklyn, NY, it's illegal for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub.

24. In the state of Washington, it's illegal to pretend your parents are rich.


Wow. What facts. That just explodes your cranium, huh? It did to me. I like annoying people with them now.